30 Days of Self-Care!! Week 2


Hey WELL + FIT Fam!

Hope you enjoyed Week 1 of the 30 Days of Self-Care Challenge! If you are keeping a journal during this time would love to hear how making yourself a priority this week has helped you!

Now for this week’s tips!

Week 2 Tips:

9/11 Friday- Stay Hydrated! – Being hydrated promotes blood flow, supports muscle and joint health, & makes your skin glow! Try to drink a gallon a day for the next week and see how your body feels!

9/12 Saturday- Home Spa Day!- Take our your face mask, cucumber slices and slap massager! Make a sugar body scrub & Exfoliate your body!

9/13 Sunday- Practice being Present!- Schedule time each day to remove distractions & walk in nature.

9/14 Monday- Clean Your Space!- Clutter bring confusion! Organize & create a peaceful environment in your home and the office.

9/15 Tuesday- Journal & Light a candle!- Write about your day and the feelings you experienced throughout the day and what was happening in those moments. Pick a candle with a scent that brings comfort.

9/16 Wednesday- Go to Bed Early!- Invest In rest today! Keep your devices out of the bedroom. Enjoy a hot bath w/ bath salts to relax your body before bed.


9/17 Thursday- Write Down Your Goals- Think about what you want to accomplish within the next year! Write down your top three goals one for 3 months, one for 6 months, & one for 12 months.

“Self-care is not a waste of time; self-care makes your use of time more sustainable.”
Jackie Viramontez

My hope is in this challenge you learn the importance of making time for yourself. Not just making time but understanding spend time to fill you cup is always a great use of your time and should not be a guilty pleasure.

Make Yourself a Priority Today!!

Be Well,