An Intentional Mindset

#MindsetMonday Living intentionally is a priority in 2021 & beyond!! If you’re juggling responsibilities at home and work, it can be difficult to carve out time to sit down and meditate. While you’re trying to organize your days, you can still start living more intentionally right now. Take a look at these practical ideas for … Continue reading An Intentional Mindset

January FIT-Intentions

#FitFriday Happy #FITFriday!! This is you New Year’s FIT-Resolution check in! How is it going? What have your set your FIT-Intentions for the year? Each year we set our goals or resolutions yet how often do we set intentions around our expectations for a period of time. 2020 was such an intense year yet most … Continue reading January FIT-Intentions

Stop Now!!

#SundaySabbath Happy New Year!! How has 2021 been treating you so far? Happy to be back! Had to take some time away for my personal space! Hope you closed out the year and began this one on the mental space in which you intended! Always remember, we have the power to choose how we are … Continue reading Stop Now!!

Sunday Sabbath

Happy Sabbath Sunday!! How and when are you making time for the Lord? In the beginning when God was creating the earth he rested & then made man! The word calls for us to take a day of full rest! No work at all! We are to be caring for our spiritual and physical well-being! … Continue reading Sunday Sabbath